穆斯林女孩,  2009-2013

在中国西部的穆斯林聚居区,虔诚的穆斯林家庭看重女性是否有良好的宗教素养,宗教学校的学习是女孩们争取上升的途径, 也会让她们在择偶上有一定优势。宗教教育贯穿这些穆斯林女性终生,尤其在她们的青少年及老年阶段。她们有一部分不参加 中国普通的九年义务教育,被家长送到清真女寺或者女校,进行为期2-4年的宗教学习。也有部分在普通学校读书的女生会在假 期来到女校进行短期学习。学习的主要内容是《古兰经》、《圣训》,阿语等与宗教相关的课程。她们毕业后一般会去乡村支教 带领年长的女性学习,只有极少数有机会升入更高的女校继续读书,甚至到阿拉伯国家留学。 这些照片拍摄于2019-2013年的宁夏、甘肃等地。

Muslim Girl,  2009-2013

In Muslim areas of western China, devout Muslim families value a woman's religious credentials, and attending religious schools is a way for girls to advance and give them an edge in choosing a mate. Religious education continues throughout the life of these Muslim women, especially in their teens and old age. Some of them do not participate in China's ordinary nine-year compulsory education, and are sent by their parents to halal women's temples or girls' schools for two to four years of religious study. There are also some girls who study in ordinary schools will come to the girls' school for short-term study during the holidays. The main content of the study is the Quran, Hadith, Arabic and other religious related courses. After graduation, they usually go to rural areas to teach older women, and only a few have the opportunity to go to a higher girls' school to continue their studies, or even to study in Arab countries. The photos were taken in Ningxia, Gansu and other places from 2019 to 2013.