EMAIL:    jdongzi@163.com







美国Peabody Essex Museum 《穆斯林女满拉》 2022-2023

纽约“Photoville festilval”《逃婚女孩》- 2018

宁波国际摄影周《野》摄影书 - 2017

丽水国际摄影节《我们在一起》- 2013

“观看中国—CC摄影作品展” 《一家人》- 2012

平遥国际摄影节 《他们》- 2009


“马格南基金会拓影纪实师友计划” 《逃婚女孩》- 2018

“感光计划”年度摄影师 - 2019

“澎湃年度视觉大赛”《逃婚女孩》- 2018

《吾城吾乡-摄影速写》《穆斯林的女满拉》- 2016

首届中国公益慈善大赛金奖《我们在一起》- 2012

Jiao Dongzi is a photographer who now lives and works in Beijing.

He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Dalian Polytechnic University and has been engaged in commercial photography, photojournalist, documentary director, non-fiction writing and other related work since graduation.

Focusing on women and marginalized rural groups, his works have been exhibited in museums in China and the United States. Special topics of shooting were published in media columns such as Photography World, Southern Weekend, The Paper, Caixin Weekly, Phoenix · On Earth, Tencent · Guyu, NetEase · Kanke, and Sohu · Eternal Day.

As a female creator, Jiao Dongzi is rooted in Oriental culture and philosophy, and naturally thinks about the different treatment brought by female identity in society, the restriction of female identity on women, and the efforts and breakthroughs made by women. Her recent artistic practice has focused on the spiritual aspects of rural nature and its associated history and human stories.


Peabody Museum, USA - Muslim Manchuria 2022-2023

Photoville festilval, New York - Girls on the Run - 2018

Ningbo International Photography Week - Wild photography book - 2017

Yeosu International Photography Festival - This Is Us - 2013

"Viewing China -- CC Photography Exhibition" - "One Family" - 2012

Pingyao International Photography Festival - "Them" - 2009


Magnum Foundation Extension Film Documentary Project - Girls on the Run - 2018

Project PhotoSensitive Photographer of the Year - 2019

"Thepaper.cn Annual Vision Contest" - "Runaway Girl" - 2018

"My Town and My Country - Photographic Sketches" - "Muslim Woman Manlah" - 2016

The first China Charity Competition Gold Medal - "We Are Together" - 2012