逃婚女孩,  2014-2019

娃娃亲在彝族地区是普遍现象,很多女孩小学没毕业就被指亲。按照当地彝族的习俗,女性出嫁时,男方常常需要付出高额的彩礼,如果婚后与夫家离婚,女方则需归还全部男方的彩礼,有时还要额外赔偿。在当地,离婚被认为败坏家族名誉、破坏门风,是丢脸的行为,让家族和个人蒙羞。 在婚姻大事上,彝族女性能自己做主的非常少,当她们与不喜欢的人结婚时,这些年轻的女性不得不借打工的名义逃避婚姻的束缚。

Runaway Girl,  2014-2019

The "Nuosu" people of Yi nationality live in the mountains of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. They adhere to traditional customs and have a serious preference for boys over girls. Long-term extreme poverty and the shackles of the concept of "hierarchy" have marginalized Yi women, and they face many problems in education, marriage, and occupation.
Babykinning is a common phenomenon in Yi areas, and many girls are accused of being parents before they graduate from primary school. According to the customs of the local Yi people, when a woman marries, the man often needs to pay a high dowry, and if she divorces her husband after marriage, the woman needs to return the full dowry and sometimes additional compensation. In the region, divorce is considered to dishonor the family, destroy the family tradition, and be a shameful act that brings shame on the family and the individual. When it comes to marriage, Yi women have very little power to make their own decisions, and when they marry people they don't like, these young women have to escape the bondage of marriage by working in the name of work.