五原,  2014

这是一本手工书,拍摄了一个叫“五原”的西北小县城。那里寒冷干旱,常住人口不到十万,小城也在城镇化浪潮中开启拆迁之路。 县城一到冬天几乎看不到人,全年最热闹的一天是元宵节,全县的人都进城表演,看灯。

WuYuan,  2014

This is a manual book, photographed a small northwest county called "Wuyuan". It is cold and dry, with a permanent population of less than 100,000, and the town is being demolished in the wave of urbanization. In winter, there are almost no people in the county. The busiest day of the year is the Lantern Festival, when people from all over the county come to the city to perform and watch the lights.